Thoedore "Theo" St. Francis ARCS Atlanta Century Award
Ph.D. Student, Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
First Year ARCS Scholar
Theo is a Ph.D. student in the Low Gravity Science & Technology Lab in the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering. He received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, during which time he designed hardware for rocket structures and valves at Relativity Space, developed technology for Apple’s ision Pro, characterized moon-rover motors at Lunar Outpost, and designed, built, and fired a methane- oxygen rocket engine in the Mojave Desert. His current research focuses on electrolysis for both oxygen generation for astronauts and hydrogen production on Earth. He is funded by a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Grant and is an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Theo enjoys open water swimming, cooking vegan feasts, and speaking Portuguese.