Events Highlights

Recent ARCS Events

Thanks from Alum Tim Sampson, Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech

I am immensely grateful to the ARCS Foundation and Turner Enterprises for making my award possible. I am honored to have been part of the talented and promising group of young researchers from the Atlanta-area!

Thanks from Scholar Kevin Yehl

"I was very fortunate to be selected as one of this year's ARCS scholars... I plan to pursue an academic career in chemistry... Your support will allow me to continue my biomedical research in developing novel strateigies to treat drug resistant cancers and cardiovascular diseases... Again, thank you so much for your support of the sciences and post graduate education, both of which are very important in keeping America competitive..."

Thanks from ARCS Atlanta Scholar Alum Deborah Kilpatrick, CEO Evidation Health

The work you (ARCS Foundation Atlanta members) have all done is tremendous, and I am so proud to be a part of that legacy.  I hope that my work is making you all feel that there has been a good return on your investment.