November 17, 2022, has come and gone and we should all still be on a natural high. We hosted an affair to remember. BRAVO and THANK YOU!
Our ‘ARCS Atlanta 2022 SAC: Focus on the Future’ was a resounding success on all accounts and all objectives were met or exceeded:
● We created and implemented a re-imagined, modern, and in-person event
● We engaged and thanked our supporters while simultaneously recognizing ARCS for thirty years in Georgia
● We built upon the technology excellence introduced in the past two years of virtual events
● We highlighted the fourth of four schools, the University of Georgia
● We are set up to easily repeat this format (with continuous improvements)
● We were fiscally responsible (coming in under budget by 16%)
We are now wrapping up the 2022 event evaluation which will guide recommendations for 2023. Planning for the 2023 event will kick off in February chaired by Betsy Kazazian.
Here’s what we know so far by the #s:
● Registered: 226 Attended: ~200
● 2022-23 Chapter Scholars: 52 Scholar Posters Produced (2nd & 3rd years): 28
● Prospective donors/corporate/foundation targets in attendance: 23
● Prospective members in attendance: 8
● Chapter Ambassadors: 23
● New Professional photos captured: 440
● Budget: $24,635 Actual: $$20,816.25 (as of 1/10/2023)
○ Additional documented donated/in-kind contributions: $7,100 HSP creative
○ Additional undocumented donated/in-kind contributions: GT IBB facility rental and staff, event logo and theme by HSP creative, GT IBB on-site AV, UGA video production
ARCS Atlanta, we truly did Focus on the Future together; we are grateful to each of you who helped in many ways to pull this off - especially the ARCS Atlanta Funds Development Team, the SAC Ambassadors, and the amazing 2022 SAC Core Committee - Leslie Petter, Sara Jean Burke, and the phenomenal Betsy Kazazian.
Thank you for entrusting me to serve our chapter chairing this amazing event.
Cheers! - Shelley Woods Whiting, 2022 SAC Chair