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ARCS Foundation Atlanta Chapter Awards $300,000 to 42 Young Scientists

Posted on Monday, November 25, 2013

The Atlanta Chapter of ARCS Foundation honored 42 outstanding young scientists with college scholar awards totaling  $300,000 at the ARCS Scholar Awards Luncheon Thursday, November 21st at the Ritz-Carlton, Atlanta.

Each scholar discussed his or her research. The scholars' research is academically fascinating but also has direct applications in medicine, engineering, and natural sciences. ARCS Foundation Atlanta provides scholar awards to deserving students at Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Morehouse College, and University of Georgia. These schools selected the scholars that would be honored with the ARCS Foundation awards.

Dr. Joy Doran-Peterson from the the University of Georgia’s Micobiology Department addressed the effort to find energy sources from cellulosic ethanol, finding energy from plant sources by industrializing the mechanism used by termites and natural processes. Dr. Peterson is the Founding Director of UGA’s Professional Science Master’s Program in Bio-manufacturing and Bio-processing. Bill Liss from WXIA-TV moderated the question and answer session.

Thanks to the generosity of local corporations, foundations, individuals, and the Atlanta ARCS Foundation Chapter membership, over $3,500,000 has been presented to 622 scholars since the Atlanta Chapter’s inception in 1993. ARCS Foundation is pleased to continue its funding for these dedicated scholars and their work to find important new discoveries and applications in science and technology.