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A Note from Funds Development

Posted on Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Hopefully, we are all healthy heading into 2022. 2021 was an interesting year in many ways. The ups and downs of our health dictated much of our days. Most meetings are still being held online, but we have learned to adapt.

The Scholar Awards Celebration (SAC) was a huge success and plans for 2022 are underway. The SAC video is an excellent way to reach out to people who aren’t familiar with our organization. If you would like to share the video, here’s the link: 2021 Scholar Awards Celebration.  Shelley Woods Whiting is the SAC chair for 2022 and is evaluating numerous options, with the hopes that we may be able to gather in person again.

The first wave of letters for the Endowment Campaign has been mailed. Our honorary chairperson, Mary O’Connor included personal notes with each of them. The requests will continue to go out during 2022, which is the 30th anniversary of the Atlanta Chapter. The Endowment stands at $650,000, with a goal of $1,000,000. Mary O’Connor has already given us a great start with her $25,000 donation.

The first quarter of the year is busy for Funds Development as we reach out to members and outside donors to continue their support for our scholars. Suggestions for fundraising leads are always welcome, and in fact, encouraged.  The Funds Development Committee is ready to jump in to assist in following up on suggested leads.

Thank you for your donations and assistance in the New Year.




Mary Dodson