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From the President's Desk: Susan McGonigle

Posted on Monday, January 21, 2019

ARCS Foundation Atlanta had a busy and exciting fall.  We introduced our six new members at the Fall Cocktail Party.  We toured the CDC Museum near Emory.  And we celebrated our outstanding scholars at our 27th Annual Scholar Awards Luncheon! 

As always, the Scholars Award Luncheon was energetic and informative.  We had a full house at the luncheon in November as we awarded $416,500 dollars to our 54 scholars from our partner universities.  Again we were delighted to have our event sponsored by Northside Hospital; their support is greatly appreciated.  Of course, none of our work would be possible without the support from our ARCS members, foundations, and friends who give so generously to fund these awards. Thank you all.

There were many volunteers who made the luncheon possible, starting with Caroline Hardin and her team. Kristen Gibbs and her ambassadors set the tone, greeting everyone as they arrived and assisting throughout the event.  Our University Relations co-chairs, Linda Kay McGowan and Carolynn Cooper, and Scholars Chair Sarah Batts had everyone from the universities organized and ready to go on the day of the event.   Our speakers, Doctors Mermin and Bunnell from the CDC, gave a fascinating talk about the importance of science in their work at the CDC, and reminded the scholars how important their research is. 

We held our General Membership Meeting at the Piedmont Driving Club on January 16.  After brief committee reports and a delicious lunch, we were joined by one of our Herz Global Impact Scholars, Elizabeth Sajewski from Emory University.  It was inspirational to hear about the work Elizabeth is doing and how much the ARCS award means to her.

Congratulations to Nancy Chambers, our 2019 ARCS Light.  Susan Higley announced the award and reviewed the many contributions that she has made to ARCS at both the local and national levels during her 10+ years of active membership.   

The National Board met in Phoenix in mid-January.  Sara Jean Burke, Sally McDaniel, Nancy Chambers, Sherry Lundeen, and Jane Dolinger attended from our chapter.  Almost all of the 15 chapters were represented; there was much discussion and information shared.  The next national meeting will be in June here in Atlanta, presided over by our own Sherry Lundeen.  More details will be coming in the spring and I hope many from our Atlanta chapter will be involved.

Between now and the end of May our Atlanta chapter will be participating in a nationwide Chapter Challenge to raise funds for and awareness of the ARCS National Board.  The chapter with the highest percentage of members making a donation to National (endowment or operations) will win funds from National to be applied to scholar awards.  Any amount will count, so give early and give often! Just go to our ARCS website and donate.

Your Atlanta Board continues to work hard.  The Nominating Committee is filling the upcoming board vacancies and helping to staff committees.  Membership renewal is ongoing.  Please go online and renew your membership before February 15, 2019.  Funds Development solicitations will be going out shortly; I hope you will all consider sponsoring a full or partial scholarship.   University Relations will be making their site visits in a few weeks, and the cycle begins again!   We will be ready for the 28th Annual Scholar Awards Luncheon before we know it.

