Thanks from Alum Eliot Quon, Postdoctoral Researcher at National Renewable Energy Laboratory
ARCS Foundation has been a highlight of my academic career thus far, thank you for the support!
On November 5, the Atlanta Chapter of ARCS Foundation held a Fall Educational Event at Riverview Landing on the Chattahoochee, which is in the beginning stages of development as a mixed-use, planned community. This is a partnership between the Chattahoochee Riverkeepers and Nature Center and Chattahoochee NOW. Walter Brown, Senior Vice President and co-founder of Green Street Properties, presented a slide show of the Ponce City Market (formerly City Hall East) renovation in which 90% of its demolition materials were recycled. Attendees also learned about the LEEDs building standards and "report card,” waste reduction and environmental sustainability. Finally, Mr. Brown explained about the post-industrial brownfield clean-up process used at Atlantic Station. After the presentation, participants toured Riverview Landing which is being transformed from an industrial site to a beautiful pedestrian friendly town with up to 2.3 million square feet of mixed-use entitlement including boating and fishing access docks, mountain bike trails, organic farms, dog parks, storm-water ponds, and preserved wetlands.