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Thanks from ARCS Atlanta Scholar Alum Deborah Kilpatrick, CEO Evidation Health

The work you (ARCS Foundation Atlanta members) have all done is tremendous, and I am so proud to be a part of that legacy.  I hope that my work is making you all feel that there has been a good return on your investment.

Thanks from Alum Alejandro Toriella, PhD, Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering, Georgia Tech

Thank you very much for your support.  It meant a lot.  I had the opportunity to return to Tech as a faculty member last year.  I’m very happy to be back and hope I can advise a future ARCS scholar soon!

Thanks from Scholar Kira Newman

"I can only begin to express how grateful I am for the freedom to pursue an independent line of research without having to worry about how I will pay for the necessary lab supplies or training. This award is allowing me to answer broader and more valuable questions than I had previously thought possible... Thank you so much for your kindness, generosity, and belief in my potential as a scientist."