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ARCS Atlanta Scholar Alum Health Information Systems Project Manager

Posted on Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jodell Linder Jackson was an ARCS Scholar at University of Georgia during the 2007-2009 academic years. Dr. Jackson is currently Health Information Systems Project Manager at the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research where she helps build bioinformatics tools used to address questions concerning patients electronic medical records, biological specimens, and genetics -- tools that answer clinical questions by examining large databases and biological specimens.

Dr. Jackson completed a post doc at Stanford University, has published papers in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology as well as the Journal of Virological Methods, and was a lab manager for three years before stepping into her current position.

More information on Dr. Jackson can be found on her LinkedIn page.



Jodell Linder Jackson, Ph.D.
ARCS Scholar
University of Georgia