Atlanta Chapter of ARCS® Foundation

Silver Anniversary E-Blasts!

Stem Strong for 25 Years!

Supporting Scientists in the Seed Stage


From Sputnik to STEM: ARCS Foundation® on a Trajectory of Success 

The launch of a basketball-sized Sputnik by the USSR in 1957 ignited the Space Race between the U.S. and Russia and stimulated a farsighted group of women to form the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists organization. These women recognized the need to support our young scientists financially in their formative years to foster their success and keep America competitive in science, technology, engineering, math and medical research (STEM).  Like STEM, the ARCS story has evolved over time. 

The official use of the word STEM has a colorful history. In the 1990s the National Science Foundation (NSF) used “SMET” as acronym for “Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology.”  When NSF employee, Judith Ramaley, observed that it sounded too much like SMUT, the moniker was changed to STEM. Many attribute the commonplace use of the acronym to the 2005 publication and popularity of Thomas Friedman’s The World Is Flat and his assertion that China and India were on the way to ‘Out Stemming’ the U.S. (Source The Technology Teacher, 2009)

In 2000, educators and politicians, including then Governor George W. Bush, began initiatives to increase funding for students majoring in science, math, technology and engineering, especially if they committed to teaching in under-performing schools. Even the U.S. Congress got into the act, creating a bi-partisan STEM Caucus in 2005. It still exists today.

The women who founded ARCS Foundation were prophetic.  They knew that to keep America globally competitive, we needed to advance science by investing in our young scientists. “Organizations like ARCS Foundation are the perfect example of how a group of people poised to take action can make a difference,” asserts former ARCS scholar Shirin Doroudgar, Ph.D. Molecular Cardiology.

The ARCS outcomes are impressive. Collectively, since 1958, ARCS Foundation has contributed over $100 million to more than 9,000 scientists during their seminal academic years. Moreover, those scholars have gone on to conduct life-saving research, create successful businesses, earn patents and teach budding new scientists at leading universities.

While our founders did not use the term STEM, they intuitively understood the concept. Over the years, ARCS has evolved and remained as relevant today as our founders were visionary in 1958. ARCS leaders fundamentally understand that if we invest in the best and brightest scientists during their formative or seed stage, we can make a lasting difference in our competitive future.

It is with this background that we undertake a celebration of our chapter’s 25 year history and re-commit to remain a positive financial influence during the early stages of our scholars’ careers.

Today, China awards 34% of global engineering degrees compared to 4% awarded in the USA. (Source: ARCS Annual Report)

ARCS Atlanta:  A Foundation Built Strong

It started in 1991 with a phone call to Clare Whitfield.  Clare, an Atlanta native and a science and technology buff, agreed to have lunch with two representatives of ARCS Foundation’s National Office.  She recalls the luncheon discussion: “National wanted to start an ARCS chapter in Atlanta and needed help.” They knew that Clare, the former wife of an astronaut, had attended ARCS events in Houston and had expressed interest in its mission.  At the time Clare was working full time and couldn’t lead the effort, but a well-connected friend, Beth Barnett, directed National to Mary O’Connor.  Mary had recently established Atlanta’s new science museum, SciTrek, and was known as a can-do leader who knew everyone.  She flew to California to learn about ARCS Foundation and accepted the challenge to start a chapter.

Mary’s quick success amazed Clare.  She contacted and obtained commitments from 16 prominent women in Atlanta’s cultural, educational, and civic organizations. Founding members then invited other women to join as charter members.  According to Clare, “Mary got the right women involved initially, and then their friends and colleagues wanted to be included.”  The program from the first Scholar Awards Luncheon, held in October 1992, lists 69 members who supported three $5,000 scholar awards.  Clare, Beth and the other founding members served on the first ARCS Atlanta board, with Mary as President.

Over small luncheons at her home, Mary and the original members established the chapter’s ground rules.  Two early decisions, one still existing and the second that quickly changed, are notable:  1) Morehouse undergraduates would join Emory and Georgia Tech Ph.D. candidates in receiving Scholar Awards (these three since have  been joined by the University of Georgia), and 2) members would not be asked to fund raise; dues would cover their scholar by awards.  Members now raise funds with great success – the chapter will award $370,000 to 50 scholars this year! 

What roles have the first 69 members played in the success of ARCS Atlanta?  Of the 16 presidents of ARCS Atlanta, seven were original members, as were 11 (including Clare) of the 23 ARCS Lights, members who have made special contributions to the chapter.  After a quarter century, 22 are still members of our chapter; 12 are active members - and one is on the current Chapter Board!  Clare Whitfield, Co-Editor of “ARChives” and a board member for the past two years, returned to the board again this year as Co-Recording Secretary.  Clare says, “I stay involved in ARCS because I wholeheartedly believe in our mission—and I like to be in an organization with so many smart, capable women.”

ARCS Atlanta is enormously indebted to our original members.  They have built a strong foundation for our chapter and continue to propel our mission forward! 


ARCS Atlanta Scholar Alumni: Advancing Science in America

Our  ARCS scholar alumni are a source of great pride for our chapter!  They have established successful careers, developed innovative products, made scientific breakthroughs, written textbooks, and received numerous accolades. This E-Blast and those to follow will re-introduce some of our outstanding scholar alumni and their achievements.  Brief profiles of our first three scholars launch this series.

David Austin: Combining Science and Law

“Although I have received numerous awards during my career, my most cherished award is the ARCS Scholar Award I received while still a graduate student. The ARCS Scholar Award is special because it provides encouragement and recognition at an important time in a young scientist’s career.”

In 1992 David Austin, Emory University’s first ARCS award recipient, was pursuing his Ph.D. in Chemistry.  He had already taught at the college level and had published numerous articles in scientific journals.  At Emory his research focus was organic chemistry, and he received the Osborne Quayle Fellowship for Excellence in Graduate Research.

After receiving his Ph.D., David was a postdoctoral fellow in chemical biology at Harvard University.  He later served as the director of medicinal chemistry at Rib-X Pharmaceuticals, an antibiotic drug discovery and development company. For nine years he was a member of the chemistry faculty at Yale University.  During his time at Yale, he did research at the interface of chemistry and biology, and he was the scientific founder of Ambit Biosciences, a pharmaceutical company focused on kinase inhibitor therapeutics. In addition to drug development, David's research background includes organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and chemical biology.

David built on his research career by completing a law degree at Fordham University in 2011. He is currently an attorney in the law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher in New York City.  He reports that he is combining his scientific background with patent law, focusing his practice on patent litigation in the areas of synthetic chemistry and catalysis, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymer science, and biotechnology.


Bryan Derrickson: Living his Dream

“ARCS has been very important to my scientific career because it provided me with the motivation and financial help that allowed me to continue in my studies.  I am very grateful to be an ARCS award recipient.”


Bryan was a senior at Morehouse College in 1992 when he received his ARCS Scholar Award, the first for Morehouse.  He was seeking a dual major in Biology and Spanish—and proved himself exceptional in both! 

While a Morehouse senior, he had already done research in the physiology of the human eye at the National Eye Institute and Morehouse School of Medicine.  Bryan also taught Spanish courses at the college as an undergraduate. In his biographic information for the first Scholar Awards Luncheon, he stated that he hoped to get a Ph.D. in physiology and teach at the college or university level.

Goals achieved!  Bryan reports, “I received my Ph.D. from Duke University and am currently a Professor of Biology at Valencia College in Orlando, teaching courses in Anatomy and Physiology and the Biology of Human Sexuality.”   He is also the sole author of the textbook Human Physiology (1st edition) and the coauthor of the textbooks Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (14th Edition) and Introduction to the Human Body (10th edition).

Not only is Bryan achieving his life mission, but he is also embodying our chapter’s 25th Anniversary tag lines:  He has been “STEM Strong for 25 Years!”  And he has spent his career “Supporting Scientists at the Seed Stage.”


Deborah Kilpatrick: Pushing the Envelope

 “When I think about graduate school, I immediately remember being an ARCS Scholar.  Not only did I meet an incredible group of people in the Atlanta community, but they taught me the power of a group taking action to create the future.”

Deborah was pursuing her Masters Degree in Bioengineering when she was named Georgia Tech’s first ARCS Scholar.  Her interest at the time was studying the relationship between the mechanical behavior of blood vessels and arteriosclerosis. She went on to receive her Ph.D. in Engineering from Tech with the goal of working in academia.

Fast forward 25 years: Deborah has had an incredible career in innovative companies dedicated to medical and health-related devices. She held multiple leadership roles at Guidant Corporation, including Director of New Ventures in the Vascular Intervention Division.   She was the Chief Commercial Officer of genomic diagnostics company CardioDx, which developed breakthrough products.  Currently, Deborah is CEO of Evidation Health, a digital health company that optimizes health outcomes using predictive analytics and machine learning on data from specific populations. 

Among her numerous activities and awards, Deborah serves on the Georgia Tech Advisory Board, chairs the Georgia Tech College of Engineering Advisory Board, and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. She is a co-founder of the MedtechVision Conference, held annually in Silicon Valley, and she has been named to FierceBiotech’s Top Women in Biotech and to Silicon Valley Business Journal’s 100 Women of Influence.  In 2015, Business Insider named Deborah to their list of the most powerful women engineers in the world.


Twenty-five Years and Still Inspirational!

Our outstanding 2016 ARCS Scholar Award Luncheon, once again, reinforced the value and impact of our mission.  First, we were awed by the brilliance and promise of our current 50 scholars. Then Bill Liss’ lively conversation with Deborah Kilpatrick, one of our first scholars, and Michael Zwick, ARCS Scholar from UC Davis and professor at Emory University, confirmed the wisdom and productivity of past investments in young scientists.

These accomplishments are made possible by the generosity of donors matched with the best scholars at our partner schools. To see how this plays out today, please read the following perspectives from Senator Sam and Colleen Nunn and Scholar Paul Rose.

Donor Perspective

Colleen and I are honored to support the work of the Atlanta Chapter of ARCS in fulfilling its mission— and in providing resources to excellent students like Paul Rose, Jr. who is a Ph.D. candidate in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering at Georgia Tech. Paul was selected as a 2015 ARCS Scholar and returns this year as a 2016 Scholar. 
As CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) in DC, I am proud to help sponsor Paul’s graduate study in nuclear security, which is focused on several of the same challenging issues that NTI was founded to address.  The U.S. must continue to lead in the education of STEM graduate students to remain competitive in the fields of science and technology.  These scholars hold the keys to both our economic well-being and our security.  Congratulations to Paul and to the Atlanta Chapter of ARCS on its 25th anniversary.
Sam Nunn

Scholar Perspective

I am deeply honored to have been chosen as an ARCS Scholar from among so many deserving young scientists. The honor is compounded by the fact that my sponsors, Senator and Mrs. Sam Nunn, and I share a similar passion for nuclear security. The work Senator Nunn has done in this field and the impact he has had are awe-inspiring and will guide my career goals.  I am a second-year ARCS Scholar and a Ph.D. candidate in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering at Georgia Tech.  My research focuses on detecting and intercepting illicit nuclear material being smuggled into the country for nefarious purposes. It means a lot to me that someone as accomplished and influential in my field as Senator Nunn has taken an interest, not only in my work, but also in helping me grow professionally.

Recognition for hard work is always rewarding, but is actually rare for a graduate student. ARCS Foundation’s commitment to make such recognition possible for STEM scholars is inspiring.  The associated financial award is enormously helpful and has afforded me opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach.  Most notably, I have used the funds to cover travel expenses to experimental facilities that elevated my research to the next level.

During the past year, I have had the pleasure of meeting many ARCS Atlanta chapter members. I have found them to be interesting women from diverse backgrounds, working together for a common, noble mission.  The commitment and generosity of the members are astounding. 

Thanks and congratulations to ARCS Atlanta on its 25th anniversary!

Paul B. Rose, Jr.

Legacies:  An Opportunity To Share a Mission and Bond

To kick off the 2017 Anniversary E-Blast series, we want to focus on one of our most important legacies:  the daughters and daughters-in-law of dedicated members who have joined and continue to contribute to ARCS Atlanta.

To date, our chapter has seven sets of members or former members and their legacies, totaling 15 women.  This remarkable number speaks volumes about our inter-generational relevance and value over 25 years.

ARCS Atlanta Legacies include:

Anne Boyd and Susan Boyd
Jean Brumley (deceased) and Marie Brumley Foster
Jill Hertz (deceased) and Patty Hertz Reid
Gay Love (former member) and Betts Love and Valerie Love
Betty Mori and Liz Mori Lauer
Leslie Petter and Lissa Petter Webber
Carol Teem and Louise Teem Yeoman

Anne Boyd (Charter Member) and Susan Boyd (2010)

Over the course of her ARCS 'career,' Anne has held numerous important leadership positions including Chair of the Scholar Awards Luncheon, Funds Development, Education and Alumni Scholars and has served as Historian and Newsletter Editor. Anne was selected as the ARCS Light in 2007-08.  In addition to her ARCS work, Anne has been a valuable contributor to many other volunteer efforts, always providing clear counseland leadership.

According to Susie, "If Anne had been in the next generation, she would have been a top corporate executive because of her talent and judgment about people."  Susie should know.  A UGA graduate, she has spent the bulk of her career as a successful executive recruiter.  She now owns her own executive recruiting business, specializing in financial services and technology.


Charter Member Anne offers thoughts on having her daughter as an ARCS legacy:

When my daughter, Susan, decided to join ARCS, it was not only because I was an enthusiastic member, but because she had friends who had recently joined.  They urged her to be part of a great organization that had both amazing people and a mission to help further science and education.

As an active member for 25 years, I have given many hours to ARCS projects and programs, and Susie saw how much ARCS meant to me. Therefore, it was very gratifying when she expressed interest in joining.  We have enjoyed working together in Funds Development, attending the Scholar Awards Luncheons and going on educational field trips together…and having many discussions about the people and issues of ARCS!

Legacy Susan reflects on a major benefit of being part of our chapter:

My mother and I have supported each other in our varied endeavors over the years, but there are few organizations in which two generations can be part of something on a peer basis.  ARCS provides an opportunity for us to support an important mission we both care about—education and a “hand up”—and do it together.

I feel fortunate to have ARCS as one more good reason to spend quality time with my mom. At more than one ARCS Scholar Awards Luncheon, the scholar at my table has commented on how special it must be to have so much in common with one’s mother.  I couldn’t agree more!


A Work of Love(s): Gay, Betts, and Valerie Love

Gay Love was a Founding Member in 1992.  Betts joined in 2006, and Valerie joined the chapter in 2013.  Over that time, the Love family has been recognized as ARCS MONARCS because the family has contributed over $50,000 to Scholar Awards and supported many young scientists at the seed stage.

These are just a few of the reasons we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Loves!

We hope their example of generosity and family participation will inspire other members to think broadly about family members who might be future ARCS members and contributors. 

Here's to keeping our Legacy of Legacies alive for another 25 years!


Betts Love shares her thoughts about the ARCS experience:

Having enjoyed participating in many different community organizations with my Love family over the years, I was thrilled to be asked to join Gay as a member of ARCS. The mission of promoting education in Georgia, especially in the science and technology fields, has always been important to Gay and our entire family.

My involvement has enabled me to meet talented and inspiring students, as well as to work with the many dedicated women of the Atlanta ARCS community. As a member who does not have a “scientific” bone in her body (and now as a proud mother of a Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering student), I have so appreciated the many opportunities that ARCS has provided to learn and further my own education.

I am grateful to Gay and the other early members who recognized the need for a philanthropic investment in the sciences and proud to now be a part of this legacy.


A Multigenerational Passion?  Leslie Petter and Lissa Petter Webber

We are happy to present our third legacy pair:  two accomplished women, and two terrific ARCS members.   Leslie Petter, brought up with a rich International background, pursued law as her professional passion.  Daughter Lissa Webber took a different career route, following her love of physics and energy technology.  Both have generously shared their talents to strengthen our chapter in many ways.

Better yet, baby daughter/granddaughter Claire Webber, has already been introduced to ARCS.  She has been present at meetings and was a big hit at the Kick-off for the 25th Anniversary Celebration held at the lovely Petter home.

Here's hoping we have a third generation legacy in our Chapter’s future!


Leslie Petter discusses her family’s interest in science—and ARCS:

How lovely that our chapter is celebrating ARCS "legacies"!  I can attest to the value that two generations in a family place on their ARCS membership.  For our family, science has always been a source of pleasure and fascination.  We have awakened early to watch meteor showers and even driven 8 hours in the middle of the night to Cape Canaveral to watch the shuttle take off, only to turn around and make the long drive home an hour later, full of wonder after watching a perfect liftoff!  So being a member of ARCS is a pleasure not just for me but for the whole family.  I became a member of ARCS while Lissa was still working in New York.  When she married and moved back to Atlanta, Lissa joined as well.

I initiated the discussion of our "second generation" membership in ARCS.  I knew that ARCS was an organization that Lissa would value because of her background in science.  In college Lissa minored in physics and was selected as a Burch Fellow to study physics and astronomy using the SOAR telescope in LaSerena, Chile. She also visited 13 countries as a Morehead Scholar meeting with international scientists, policy makers and government officials to study the effects of energy policy on technology research and development.  The support and encouragement of other like-minded students came naturally for all of us.

Lissa and I have served on the ARCS Atlanta board together for the past 3 years.  We have also gone to ARCS educational events and on field trips together.  We agree that ARCS members and their husbands are the most interesting, engaging and exceptional group.  Even my granddaughter, Claire, who I believe is the first ARCS baby, has experienced the warmth of ARCS members at the Fall Cocktail Party at our home.  We are, indeed, two generations of ARCS members and counting.

My ARCS membership has given me some of my dearest friends and most enriching experiences.


Lissa Petter Webber describes how her mother’s experience in ARCS influenced her:

I started hearing about ARCS from the moment my mother joined this incredible organization.  She raved about the mission, the events, and more than anything - the people.  I cannot tell you how many times I heard, "it is just the most lovely group of women in Atlanta."  I was living in New York at the time and was so delighted that she was enjoying getting involved in ARCS.  Of the many organizations she has supported in the past, ARCS most closely aligned with my own interests - I was a physics minor in college and have always been interested in energy technology, so it was wonderful to hear about the field trips and educational events she attended.  When I moved to Atlanta in 2012 with my fiance (now husband) Jonathan, she asked if I would be interested in joining.  I jumped at the chance!  She could not have been more right.  ARCS truly is a wonderful group of people with an important mission and fascinating events for members.  Jonathan and I have both so enjoyed the opportunity to take part in educational events, and I have loved working with the wonderful ladies in the organization.

Being a legacy is a little bit like being a little sister - coming on the heels of your mother with all the expectations that includes!  I always joke with her that members in ARCS are going to think my last name is hyphenated, since my "ARCS name" is usually "Lissa Petter Webber," whereas most people use only their first and last name. I am lucky that she is a great role model and I certainly aspire to be like her, so I will always appreciate that we are linked!  


A Journey Taken Together, With No Excess Baggage:  Betty Nunn Mori and Liz Mori Lauer

Mori Luggage and Gifts has been a part of the luxury retail market in Atlanta since 197l.  From one store at Northlake Mall, started by Jean and Betty, the company now is 28 stores strong.  Professionalism, ethical behavior and integrity are Mori company values. These are the same traits mom, Betty Nunn Mori, and daughter, Liz Mori Lauer, bring to our ARCS chapter. In addition to being entrepreneurial, they are both politically active.  Senator Sam Nunn is brother to Betty and Uncle Sam to Liz.  Despite competing interests, these remarkable women have unselfishly given their time, talent and leadership to ARCS.

A highlight of their past contributions was the unique mother/daughter co-chairing of the highly successful ARCS Retreat to Washington, D.C. This memorable Retreat included a number of behind-the-scenes events, not available to the general public in our nation's capital.


Betty Mori describes her delight at recruiting Daughter Liz:

My membership in ARCS since 1993 has enriched my life in many ways. The experience of being a small part of financial support for amazing scholars is the most important benefit ARCS has given me.  When I hear “our scholars” speak about what ARCS funds have enabled them to accomplish, I feel immense pride.  This contribution to science will have repercussions for many years to come, benefiting our entire society. Within the larger scope of ARCS, I have met amazing women, several of whom have involved me in other activities that have been meaningful to me.  I have enjoyed the field trips, lab visits, lectures, and the myriad of other opportunities to dip into science in our own Atlanta area. These educational options have brought more balance to my liberal arts orientation!   And my engineer husband has been delighted.  We have participated in most of the couples’ field trips to other U.S. cities, which has been enlightening and lots of fun.

When our daughter Liz Mori Lauer and her family moved back to Atlanta in 2002, I knew she had built-in group of life-long friends in the area. But I hoped that she would see the advantages offered by ARCS to meet outstanding women of all backgrounds and ages, in the common effort to further science education.  Liz was interested in joining ARCS, as I described it to her, and has found it to be even more rewarding than my efforts to explain.

The best project that Liz and I have worked on together was a couples’ trip to D.C. in 2010. Our other committee member was Shearon Glover. We enjoyed planning all details of the trip and felt that the outcome was worth all the effort. As with all ARCS activities, the wonderful women members bring energy and intelligence to the endeavor.

I am very grateful for my membership in ARCS.


Liz Lauer’s thoughts on the value of ARCS membership:

I had known of my mother’s involvement in ARCS, but had very limited knowledge of the organization until I moved back to Atlanta from Washington D.C. in 2002.   With three children under the age of 5, I was somewhat reluctant to take on another commitment; however, watching how much my mom and some of her good friends enjoyed the mission and community of ARCS Atlanta, I became very interested in joining.  The ARCS mission aligned with part of the professional focus I had pursued in Washington pertaining to funding and investing in energy research and basic science.  I was quickly inspired by ARCS Foundation’s investment in outstanding young science scholars from Georgia universities and by the ARCS mission to further careers and competitiveness in the U.S. science and research arena.  I have especially enjoyed the ARCS Atlanta chapter’s focus on robust programs that provide members with opportunities for true learning.

My first committee job in ARCS was compiling the Directory, which I did for two years and highly recommend as a great way to learn names and faces in ARCS Atlanta. I served on the membership committee several times and assisted in planning the ARCS trip to Washington D.C. with my mom and Shearon Glover.  I have enjoyed serving as a scholar ambassador several times and getting to know scholars and university contacts as the Scholar Chair in 2014.

Watching my children’s interest in the sciences evolve though the years has underscored the importance of ARCS investment in enabling scholars to pursue innovation, invention and scientific breakthroughs that serve the broader good of society.  My daughter is a college freshman focusing on biomedical engineering and loves physics, as her younger brothers do. I am happy to have been a part of this organization and appreciate my mother and her friends investing time and energy in ARCS mission in the early years of this chapter.  


ARCS Winning with Team Teem: Carol Teem and Louise Teem Yeoman

Carol Teem and daughter Louise Teem Yeoman have been a winning duo for ARCS Atlanta for a cumulative 31 years!  Mom Carol was a Founding Member of ARCS Atlanta and has generously shared her talents since 1992.  She has fulfilled many leadership roles for the chapter, including Director of Hospitality in the chapter’s first years, Director of Public Relations and the Newsletter and Assistant Treasurer a decade later, and more recently Administrative Assistant to the President and Chair of Internal Communications.

Daughter Louise joined ARCS in 2011.  She is currently Director of Finance at Georgia Pacific Corp.  In addition to her home and professional responsibilities, Louise found time to join her mother on the ARCS Atlanta Board in 2012 as Assistant Treasurer.  She then served a two-year term as Treasurer and is currently Public Relations Chair-Elect .

While these contributions are exceptional, their innovative contributions and support of ARCS mission are truly legendary.  For Louise's wedding in 2001, Team Teem contributed in a significant, creative way to ARCS (see attached statements for details). That was definitely a Win Win Win for all of us!


Founding Member Carol shares memories of the early days:

I was on the original steering committee with Mary O’Connor.  We all thought that supporting the mission of ARCS National was a marvelous way to help young people who were citizens of our country. Then after we gathered the initial group, we realized what very special women we had found. They came from all over the metropolitan Atlanta area, and we probably would never have had an opportunity to meet them if it weren’t for ARCS.  I will never forget the first three scholars, and how thrilled they were to receive not only the money but the love of these women.  That is always so rewarding.

The out-of-town trips have all been so interesting and such a great time for the membership to bond with each other.  I have missed very few of the educational opportunities.

When Louise was married in 2001, we decided to give a full scholarship instead of little guest gifts at the dinner.  A card with this information was placed at each table setting.  From that time on Louise became interested in ARCS and our activities.  When she asked about joining, I immediately told a few friends who graciously put in her application.  Louise jumped right in and loves the membership as much as I do. She too has asked her friends to join.

We have not worked on anything together, as our talents are very different.  But we both love the wonderful group of women that ARCS brings to us!


Legacy Louise explains her interest in ARCS:

My interest in ARCS grew from hearing about the mission and field trips from my parents.  I admired ARCS from afar for many years (decades actually) before mom decided it was probably time to put me up for membership.  In fact, for my wedding reception, we opted to make a donation to ARCS in lieu of favors! I guess you could say I was an early believer in the work ARCS does, and am proud to now be an active member contributing to the success of our scholars.


Greetings to ARCS Mothers and Daughters All:

Our Legacy series has been one of many highlights of the ARCS Atlanta 25th Anniversary Celebration. Through the E-Blasts, we honor 15 outstanding mothers, daughters and daughters-in law who have shared membership and generously contributed to our chapter's success.  This final Legacy E-Blast is sent in conjunction with Mother's Day, May 14, 2017.

Today we specifically recognize Jean Brumley and Jill Hertz, both now deceased, and their daughters Marie Brumley Foster and Patty Hertz Reid, current chapter members.  Jean was a Founding Member of ARCS Atlanta and a member from 1992 to 2003.  She served on Founder Mary O’Connor’s Advisory Committee, helping to set the standards for the chapter, and chaired the first Scholar Awards Luncheon. She and her husband George provided their first scholar award of $5,000 in 1998.  Daughter Marie joined ARCS in 2005.  She and Nancy Brumley Robitaille, her sister, have faithfully continued to fund a yearly scholar award. 

Jill Hertz was a member of ARCS from 1998 to 2001.  She served as Special Events Co-Chair in 2000-2001, and in a generous gesture donated the wine for the Fall Cocktail Party.  Her daughter, Patty Reid, her continuing legacy, joined ARCS in 2011.  Patty has since served as Public Relations chair and most recently as chair of the very successful 2016 Scholar Awards Luncheon. Despite personal health concerns, she oversaw planning of the SAL and did it with a beautiful smile.  She and husband Doug are also supporters of a named Scholar Award.

In addition, our expansive Mother's Day recognition honors all of us.  We believe that our chapter's accomplishments are proof that we have benefited from the wisdom, guidance and love of our own mothers.  Without their legacy of encouragement and belief in us, ARCS women may not have had the vision, leadership or determination to raise over $4.5 million for in Scholar Awards over the past 25 years and over $430,000 for our Endowment!

It is in this spirit of Legacy that we ask each member to take a minute to reflect upon the legacy we have received and the legacies we are creating for our scholars today and for the next 25 years.


Reflections on Jill Hertz and Legacy Patty Hertz Reid:

The late Jill Hertz and I met when we co-chaired the Host Committee for the American Craft Show, and we became very good friends.  A few years later I sponsored Jill for ARCS membership, and we enjoyed attending functions together.  We even co-chaired the Special Events Committee.

It was also great when Debbie Liss sponsored Jill’s daughter, Patty Hertz Reid, for ARCS membership.  It has been fun to be with her at meetings and to have worked with her on the Nominating Committee.  And I can say—as a former Scholar Awards Luncheon co-chair—that she and her committee organized and orchestrated the best SAL ever!  Patty is indeed a wonderful legacy from Jill to us.  — Jeanne Berry


Reflections on Jean Brumley:

I have several lovely stories about Jean, but they can be summed up with her willingness to take on whatever jobs needed doing and doing them very well. She was dependable, lovely to work with, gracious and talented.  —  Anne Boyd

Jean was noted for her philanthropy and community service. She and George started the Zeist Foundation in 1989 to give back to the community and involve their five children in philanthropy. Among her many activities, Jean worked closely with George to start Whitefoord, Inc. to address the health and educational needs of children and families of the Whitefoord Elementary School District in southeast Atlanta. She always involved and listened to the families served by their philanthropy. The Brumleys passed their commitment to service and philanthropy along to their family. Their daughters, Marie Foster and Nancy Robitaille, are now Co-Presidents of the Zeist Foundation.  — Pat Leake


Marie Brumley Foster Explains Her Support of ARCS:

My parents were so impressed with the opportunity to support rising young science scholars in the beginning of this impactful organization. I remember them talking about it when it was a new organization and their excitement in sharing this philanthropic venture as a couple.  I wish they could see it now and the impact it has on so many young people.  I am sure they would still be proud supporters. Both my parents were strong supporters of higher education and believed that everyone should be a lifelong learner.

I did not have the opportunity to discuss ARCS and its mission with my parents.  I became involved with ARCS after their passing.  It has been a wonderful opportunity to continue their legacy of support for higher education.  Each time I attend the scholar’s luncheon it reminds me of their love for the sciences and the potential they saw in the upcoming generations to lead. I always think of my dad as a young scientist and his early research in neonatal lung development and what he might have said to a donor that was supporting his education.  I try to be an enthusiastic supporter as a donor even though I do not have their science knowledge! 


Accomplishments and Accolades Assure ARCS Vitality for the Next 25 Years 

When Jane Dolinger and Gracia Conn, then President and Immediate Past President, respectively, asked us to serve as co-chairs of the 25th Anniversary Celebration two years ago, we eagerly agreed. Thanks to their wisdom and clear thinking, they had convened a task force a year earlier to generate ideas for our 25th celebration. Suggestions the task force passed along set in motion a year full of great occasions and accomplishments.  Our overall goal was clear: to involve, engage and energize our members and partners.  We now offer thanks to the many people who made the year a huge success by achieving this goal and more!


Accolades for the Marketing Team!!!!

Our overall communications strategy was to overlay anniversary “bling” on all our regular activities. We realized that if we didn’t have a strong, creative and entertaining marketing campaign for our special year, we could not be successful.  Fortunately, Anne Easterly and Linda Kay McGowan fit the requirements and were willing to step in. They organized a task group who offered ideas and selected the tagline and anniversary theme:

      “STEM Strong for 25 Years! Supporting Scientists at the Seed Stage.”

Our talented “ghost writers” Anne and Linda Kay entertained and enlightened us throughout the year with all the sparkling E-blasts that you received. Jeanne Berry and Anne Boyd were the brains behind the Legacy series. They interviewed the mother and daughter/daughter-in-law teams to gather insight and wonderful memories. What interesting reading they presented to us!  It was a tremendous effort, and we all benefited from their stories.  Pat Leake, Ronnie Martin and Peg Cooley supported the technology efforts as they formatted and posted all the E-blasts you received.  They were essential to the process and have our heartfelt thanks.


Applause for the Education Events Team!!!!

Special anniversary educational events at our partner universities became an integral part of our celebratory year. Early on, Elizabeth Martin and Elaine Davis, University Relations VPs, visited our partner school administrators to alert them to our special year and set the stage for their participation. The schools generously hosted ARCS members in celebratory luncheons, coffees and special scholar discussions. The keen attention and careful organization of Elizabeth Martin and Missy McClatchey, Education/Events VPs, provided us with truly memorable experiences at our partner universities.

Also, a connection established by Debbie Liss with the Explorers Club offers ARCS potential for future collaborations and speaker engagements.


Cheers for the “Wine, Women and the Web”!!!!

Thanks to Sara Jean Burke, Ronnie Martin and the availability of Fred Burke’s office, a very special anniversary gift was offered to our members. “Wine, Women and the Web,” a mini course on how to better understand and access the ARCS website, was taught by Ronnie, our computer guru extraordinaire.  She enlightened and instructed us in ARCS website navigation.


Hooray, Hooray for the Jubilee Party!!!!

What a glorious night it was! Sylvia Dick and Pat Tuff outdid themselves as Co-Chairs of the Jubilee Party. It was the piece de resistance of our Anniversary year.  Member Kathy Rainer of “Parties to Die For” created a magical ambiance with her floral designs and table arrangements. Music played by the Moxie Band lured the guests to dance the night away. Other valuable volunteers who helped to create the warm camaraderie for the night included Deede Stephenson, Leslie McLeod, Elizabeth Martin, Yetty Arp, Sherry Lundeen, Liz Lauer, Leslie Petter and Cathey Millichap. Special thanks go to Wilmington Trust for their generous support and to Kathy Rainer and Tricky Wolfes for their in-kind sponsorship!  A significant donation collected from the proceeds of the Jubilee Party will be added to the Endowment Fund.


Hats Off to President Sara Jean Burke!!!!

We owe Sara Jean our great appreciation for her constant support, fabulous ideas, suggestions and good humor.  She was always there for all of us.  Who could ask for more than that? She is the BEST!


Here's to Our ARCS Board!!!!

In honor of our Silver Anniversary, the ARCS Board added one scholar award per university for this academic year. The Funds Development Committee, chaired by VP Lee Doyle, leveraged the Anniversary Celebration to raise a record amount of money. What a grand accomplishment!


In Closing !!!!

Now, our silver top hats come off as we bring to a close the ARCS Atlanta Chapter Silver Anniversary.  We consider this anniversary celebration a springboard to continued success in the next 25 years. We offer our congratulations and appreciation to all ARCS members, past and present, who have contributed to the 25 years of fund raising, education and friendship!