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Emory Donor Appreciation Event

Posted on Wednesday, October 25, 2017

On October 25, 2017, donors of Emory’s ARCS Scholars were welcomed to the Emory University campus by faculty and ARCS Scholars from The James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies.  Jessica Petree, Ph.D Candidate in the Chemistry department, Dr. Todd Polly, Director of Chemistry, and Katie Busch, Assistant Dean of Development and Alumni Relations greeted the group in Atwood Hall.

After an introduction of the design of the new chemistry building addition by Dr. Todd, scholar Jessica Petree led a tour of working labs, including her own.  The labs and shared information were very informative.

Following the tour, we were welcomed by Assistant Provost Dr. Lisa Tedesco for lunch at the Carlos Museum.  Dr. Tedesco thanked ARCS Foundation Atlanta and donors for their generous support over the past 26 years.  She also expressed gratitude for the good working relationship between our chapter and the university officials.  A delicious lunch was served and a presentation by 3rd year ARCS Scholars, Brenda Calderon, and Elizabeth Littauer about their research followed.  An added bonus to the day was a guided tour of the Carlos Museum.