ARCS Foundation Atlanta is proud that we have grown from awarding three scholars a total of $15,000 in 1992 to awarding 53 scholars a total of $397,500 in 2024-2025. Since 1992, ARCS Foundation Atlanta has awarded a cumulative total of over $7.5 million to scholars at Emory University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Morehouse College, and the University of Georgia.
Below are photos of ARCS members with their scholars at the Scholar Awards Celebration followed by a list of our loyal supporters.
ARCS Foundation Atlanta, Inc. Membership
Joachim Herz Stiftung
The Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation
Joseph G and Inez Crawford Burtchaell Foundation, Inc.
Peg and Keith Cooley
Sylvia and Bruce Dick
Marcia and John Donnell
Patsy and Jere Drummond
John and Mary Franklin Foundation
Hilda D. Glenn Fund
The Graves Foundation Inc
Betsy* and Harald* Hansen
J. H. Holdings
Northside Hospital
The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc.
UPS Foundation
Madeline* and Howell Adams, Jr.
Sara Jean and Fred Burke
Georgia-Pacific Foundation
The Imlay Foundation
Sally and Warren* Jobe
Ann and Larry* Klamon
Leslie and Skip Petter
Regina Olchowski and Ed Potter
Printpack, Inc and Gay and Erskine Love Foundation
The Zeist Foundation
The Erroll and Elaine Davis Charitable Giving Foundation
Genuine Parts Company
Sally and Jim Hinkle
Libby and Gary Jones
Pat and Nolan Leake
Deborah and William Liss
Sherry and John Lundeen
Patty and Doug Reid Family Foundation
David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund
Kathy and Dennis Berry
Jenny and Dick Cannon
Nancy Chambers
Carolynn Cooper and Pratap Mukharji
Ada Lee and Pete* Correll
Susie and Bill Deyo
Martha Lee Doyle
Anne Deeley Easterly
Marie Foster
Marty and John Gillin
Joan Goodhew
Petra Herz
Cecile Jones
Kaiser Permanente
Sarah Kennedy
King & Spalding
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Linda Kay and John McGowan
Carol and Bob Meier
Mary O'Connor
Teed Poe
Nancy Robitaille
Frances and Kurt Swensson
Cathy Wahlen
ARCS Foundation Atlanta Membership
Sara Jean and Fred Burke
Joseph G. and Inez Crawford Burtchaell Foundation, Inc.
Carolynn Cooper and Pratap Mukharji
Sylvia and Bruce Dick
Mary Dodson
Marcia and John Donnell
Hilda D. Glenn Fund
Sally and Jim Hinkle
Joachim Herz Stiftung
Ann and Larry* Klamon
Linda Kay and John McGowan
Northside Hospital
HA (Gus) Peed
Regina Olchowski and Ed Potter
Leslie and Skip Petter
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Cathy Wahlen
David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund
Mollie Winston Barrow
Elaine and Erroll Davis
Genuine Parts Company
Georgia-Pacific Foundation
The Graves Foundation Inc
Gina Lim
Cynthia Arrendale
Lisaand Joe* Bankoff
Barbara and Frank Bazzel
Sally Boice
Nancy Chambers
Martha Lee Doyle
Anne Deeley Easterly
Molly and Mike Eskew
Monica Frazier
Caroline Hardin
Angelle Hamilton
Cecile Jone
Margaret Joslin
Liz Lauer
Pat and Nolan Leake
Deborah and Bill Liss
Sherry and John Lundeen
Susan McGonigle
Mary Jo Peed
Patty and Doug Reid Family Foundation
Janie Skinner
Frances and Kurt Swensson
Ann Taylor
Yetty Arp
Evelyn Judd Asbill
Kelley Berman
Donna Burchfield
Anne Boyd
Susan Boyd
Dr. Rachel Burke
Jamie Deeter
Sarah Ebersole
Kristen and Duncan Gibbs
Anne and Rick Gieryn
Marty and John Gillin
Joanne Gross
Laura Gruber
William Hayes III
Meg Heyer
Eileen Higgins
Betsy Kazazian
Maureen Lobb
Betts Love
Sally McDaniel
Caroline Moise
Pace Parsons
Laura Pease
Nivedita Persaud
Valerie Peterson
Barbara Bing Pliner
Teed M. Poe
Rebecca Riley
Tricia Rosenbaum
Deede Stephenson
Suzanne Sullivan
Liz Troy
Margaret and William Turk*
Suzy Wasserman
Mary Watson
Shelley Woods Whiting
Anonymous Donor
Jane Bernot
Don Bieger
Catherine Cage
Dr. Stacey Dixon
Ree Edwards
Betty Feezor
Laura Hardman
Janis Henry
Katrina Johansson
Kelli Keb
Debby Kelly
Robin King
Melissa McClatchey
Anne Sterchi*
Patricia Tuff
Yardley Williams
Dr. Rachelle Arnold
Dr. Rachel Burke
Dr. Lowell Combs
Dr. Michael Davis
Dr. Staci Davis
Dr. Stacey Dixon
Dr. Brian Fralix
Dr. Katherine Gass
Dr. Deborah Kilpatrick
Dr. Kristopher Kozak
Mr. Kenneth Lyons
Mr. Andrew Peterson
Dr. Nikki Sawyer
Dr. Sharon Sullivan
Dr. Alejandro Toriello
Dr. Patrick Yaner
Thank you to Lou and Tom Glenn and the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation for the initial contributions that established our ARCS Atlanta Chapter Endowment. The 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign, begun in 2022, sought to bring our Endowment to over $1 million. In another extraordinary gift, the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation approved a grant which allowed the ARCS Atlanta Endowment to surpass the 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign goal of $1 million in December of 2024. To see the members and friends who contributed to this campaign, please visit our 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign webpage under the Support Us tab.
$25,000 +
Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation
$5,000 - $24,999
$2,500 - $4,999
Joseph G. and Inez Crawford Burtchaell Foundation
Sherry and John Lundeen
$1,000 - $2,499
Jamie Deeter
Jane Dolinger
Pat Leake
$500 - $999
Lyn Asbill
Donna Burchfield
Meredith Carpenter
Nancy Chambers
Laura Gruber
Angelle Hamilton
Barbara Marxer
Tricia Rosenbaum
David Ross and Kelli Carroll
Frances Swensson
John Wieland
$100 - $499
Ronnie Martin
Mary O'Connor
Nivedita Persaud
Macie Thompson
Sara Jean and Fred Burke
Brittany Crews
Mary Jo Peed
Joe Bankoff
Sue Glenn Staton