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Bouncing Back Better - A Talk by Dr. Beth Cabrera

Posted on Sunday, May 2, 2021

The featured speaker at the Annual Membership meeting, held via Zoom on May 5th, 2021, was Dr. Beth Cabrera.  Dr. Cabrera, formerly a college professor who moved into leadership development, is currently focused on well-being.  She is also an author, researcher, and motivational speaker. Copies of her book, Beyond Happy: Women, Work and Well-Being, were donated by Erin Dasher and distributed to all members in advance of the meeting so everyone could get a glimpse of the informative and uplifting presentation that would be forthcoming.   Dr. Cabrera is our chapter’s newest honorary member and is the wife of Dr. Ángel Cabrera, the President of Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dr. Cabrera’s talk was titled “Bouncing Back Better” and included valuable tips on how to use our experience during the pandemic to build a better life going forward. She discussed the positive changes that people can experience after facing adversity and shared ideas on how to bounce back better. In support of that premise, she quoted Sir Winston Churchill who said “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Tips for maintaining a positive outlook included appreciating relationships, expressing gratitude, and spending time to cherish nature. Dr. Cabrera suggested looking at habits pre-pandemic and during the pandemic and evaluating which were good habits and which were not. By doing an inventory of these habits, we can become more intentional about what we do, enabling us to change our routines for the better. Her talk was very informative, inspiring, and filled with concrete suggestions. ARCS Atlanta is very fortunate to have such a well-spoken and positive individual as one of our members. If you would like to hear Dr. Cabrera’s talk in its entirety, click HERE or look on our chapter website under “Events, Event Highlights, 2021.” You may also be interested in her blog       

The 2021 Annual Membership meeting was well attended with approximately 60 members in attendance, many of whom stayed on Zoom for a few minutes after the conclusion of Dr. Cabrera’s talk to socialize.  Although we are fortunate that technology has enabled us to continue with many of our regular chapter events, we are all looking forward to getting together in person.

Dr. Beth Cabrera