Thanks from Alum Eliot Quon, Postdoctoral Researcher at National Renewable Energy Laboratory
ARCS Foundation has been a highlight of my academic career thus far, thank you for the support!
It was a crisp fall evening for the 2021 Fall Party at the home of Leslie and Skip Petter. With nearly 100 guests attending, the party was a joyous outdoor gathering to celebrate the beginning of the new ARCS year and to welcome our four outstanding new members Barbara Bazzel, Beth Cabrera, Rebecca Gupta, and Gina Lim.
President Leslie Petter welcomed the group and VP Membership Patty Reid introduced the new members. Special Events Chair Betsy Kazazian and Chair-elect Ann Taylor created a fabulous Fete Française which was beautifully carried out by Mary Hataway’s Soiree Catering and Events.