ARCS Foundation Atlanta Chapter 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign

30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign

To celebrate 30+ years of support for STEM scholars, ARCS Atlanta Chapter launched a 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign on July 1, 2021.  The goal of this campaign was to bring the Atlanta Chapter endowment to over $1 million.  In December of 2024, the campaign surpassed our goal of $1 million.  Thank you to Mary O'Connor, the Honorary Chair of our 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign, for her leadership in accomplishing this goal.  The Atlanta Chapter endowment will ensure the support of our scholars and the sustainability of our chapter for decades to come.

Mary O'Connor

“As the world of COVID vaccines made us aware of the value of scientific research, ARCS Atlanta strengthens the pipeline of STEM talent in Georgia.” 
Mary O’Connor, 
Honorary Chair 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign 

Read a message from our Atlanta Chapter Founding President, Mary O’Connor, about the chapter’s founding and why she is chairing the 30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign. 


History of the ARCS Atlanta Endowment

Thank you to Lou and Tom Glenn and the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation
for the initial contributions that established our ARCS Atlanta Chapter Endowment.

The Atlanta Chapter again thanks the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation
for the significant donation that allowed our endowment to surpass $1 million in 2024.

Lou and Tom Glenn



Please consider adding a gift to the ARCS Atlanta Endowment as part of your annual support of ARCS Foundation.  Donations of any size are appreciated.

Donate today to support the future of science


ARCS Atlanta Chapter is grateful to our generous donors who contributed over $320,000 to our

30th Anniversary Endowment Campaign.


30th Anniversary Endowment Donations July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2024


$25,000 + 

Marcia and John Donnell

Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation

Klamon Family Foundation 

Mary O’Connor 


$10,000 - $24,999

Lisa Bankoff 

Sara Jean Burke 

Joan Goodhew 

Sally Hinkle 

Pat Leake 

Sherry Lundeen

Patty and Doug Reid


$5,000 - $9,999

Carolynn Cooper

Joseph G. and Inez Crawford Burtchaell Foundation


$2,500 - $4,999

Nancy Chambers

Jane Dolinger

Sally McDaniel

Leslie and Skip Petter

Liz and Mike Troy


$1,000 - $2,499

Kelley Berman

Jeanne Berry

Jamie Deeter

Mary Dodson

Teed Poe


$100 - $999

Lyn Asbill

Donna Burchfield

Joyce and Richard Carnovale

Meredith Carpenter

Dr. Stacey Dixon

Anne Deeley Easterly

Laura Gruber

Angelle Hamilton

Ronnie Martin

Caron Ogg

Nivedita Persaud

Sharon Quaintance

Tricia Rosenbaum

David Ross and Kelli Carroll

Donna Spivey

Frances Swensson

Macie Thompson

Margaret Turk

Cathy Wahlen

Suzy Wasserman

Kay Weiss

John Wieland

Janie Wilson