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Exciting Additions to the ARCS Atlanta Website

Posted on Tuesday, February 4, 2025

For those of you who enjoy perusing the ARCS Atlanta website, the Current Scholars page has just gotten even better!  As you know, this page has pictures of every scholar, the name of their donor, their area of study, how long they have been a scholar, their research interest – and it even has videos from the scholars with heartfelt expressions of thanks.  The Current Scholars page can answer all your scholar questions with a quick glance.

A new addition to the Current Scholars page is a link to each scholar’s Google Scholar page which is a page provided by Google where scholars showcase their academic publications.  At the bottom of each scholar’s section on our Current Scholars page, is a line which says, “Read (scholar’s name) research publications.”  If you would like to know more about a Scholar’s research, click on this link, and it will take you to their Google Scholar page.  Select any article to read and it will provide a synopsis, and if you have ever tried to read one of these extremely scholarly publications, you know how helpful this is.

Take a look!  Here is the link to the Current Scholars page on our website:

In the same vein, we have created another new page on our website – the Scholar Posters page.  Every year after the Scholar Awards Celebration, I find myself trying to share what I learned about a scholar’s research.  I always wish that I had access to the scholar’s poster to help me.  Well, now we do!  Because we have the digital files of every scholar’s poster, we decided to put them on the website for situations just like this.  I hope you will explore this exciting new webpage which is under the SCHOLARS tab on our ARCS Atlanta website.  Here is the link:

Between the Current Scholars page and the Scholar Posters page, you can find everything you need to know about our ARCS Atlanta scholars whose research interests us.  In fact, within the 26 public webpages of our Atlanta website, you can probably find whatever ARCS information you are looking for -- you just need to know where to look.  So, please explore and enjoy all the interesting pages of our Atlanta website and if you can’t find what you are looking for, just call me (Leslie Petter) or send me an email, and I will be happy to help.