After the highly successful and well-attended Scholar Awards Celebration at Piedmont Driving Club, a follow-up email was sent to all final year scholars (those in their third year at UGA, Emory and GA Tech, and the second-year scholars at Morehouse). With sentiments of congratulations, we encouraged them to stay in touch with ARCS Atlanta as they move through the seasons of their careers. In this same follow up email, we also provided this newest group of alumni with a recent correspondence from a fellow ARCS alumnus, Eric DeJesus, Ph.D., president and co-founder of Annate Bitherapeutics, Inc. Eric has initiated a fantastic network of scholar alumni who are pursuing innovative, entrepreneurial initiatives based on their fields of study. Earlier this month, on January 6th, we received a kind message from Eric, letting us know that he has connected with Ashley Cornelison at Portal Innovations. We were delighted to welcome Ashley as a new ARCS member last fall, and we are grateful that she has agreed to serve on the board next year. Eric and Ashley spoke over the holidays and plan to meet with the Herz team in Hamburg to learn how their programs function, and explore what new opportunities might develop between the organizations of ARCS Atlanta, Herz, and Portal.
To view our impressive directory of ARCS Atlanta alumni, please use the “REPORTS" pulldown menu on the left hand side of your member portal page.

Dr. Eric DeJesus at 2024 January General Membership Meeting