Thanks from Scholar Laura Redmond
"I want to thank you again for supporting my career development, and I look forward to encouraging the development of future scientists as an ARCS Scholar Alum."
ARCS board members and Emory donors paid an onsite visit in May to the new Health Sciences Research Building II at Emory University. The building provides lab facilities for cardiology, pediatric, pulmonary, vaccine and several other areas of research. We had a very interesting visit to Dr. Santangelo’s lab where they are studying RNA viruses and to Dr. Timov‘s lab where they provide and study 3D printing of all types of innovative and fascinating ideas like pediatric heart valves and deep brain stimulation instruments. After our tour, Emory hosted a wonderful lunch where we heard from Dean Kimberly Jacob Arriola and two fantastic former ARCS scholars, Dr. Elizabeth Sajewski and Dr. Hemali Oza, who spoke about the impact the ARCS Award had on their lives and the wonderful friendships they have with ARCS members and other scholars.
Thank you to Emory University, the James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies, and Dean Kimberly Jacob Arriola for hosting ARCS Atlanta for this ARCS Foundation appreciation luncheon and tour of Emory University's new Health Sciences Research Building II. It was a pleasure to honor the accomplishments of our Emory Scholars and the 30+ year relationship of Emory University and ARCS Foundation Atlanta.