Funding STEM scholars who will change the world…

Everything ARCS® Foundation Atlanta does is for one goal: to support outstanding scholars in Georgia whose research may lead to advances in science, engineering, and medical research to benefit society and enhance our overall quality of life. 

A volunteer body of approximately 130 women, the Atlanta Chapter of ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our members are passionate about financial support for their scholars and spearhead an annual giving campaign that garners donations from family foundations, individuals, and corporations. 

Since its inception in 1992, ARCS Foundation Atlanta has awarded over $7.5 million to outstanding science scholars at Emory University, Morehouse College, the University of Georgia, and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Their fields of study include everything from aeronautics to zoology and address a wide swath of scientific problems - from COVID-19 vaccine development to T- cell activation to randomized algorithms in statistical physics. 

Dr. Angel Cabrera ARCS Foundation
Georgia Tech President Angel Cabrera applauds ARCS Atlanta for our impact on Georgia and the Atlanta community

Our goal is to help inspire budding scientists and engineers to pursue novel research, create knowledge, and develop imaginative technologies that may one day have the power to change the world.

Steve Knutson ARCS Foundation Scholar Emory Univeristy
Katie Young ARCS Foundation Scholar Georgia Tech

As an organization of volunteers, ARCS members are proud that 100 percent of every dollar donated toward an award goes directly to the scholars.  Standing Committees are responsible for Membership, Funds Development, Public Relations, University Relations, and Special Events, tapping the experience and personal affiliations of our members.