Carter Presidential Center Visit On April 17, 2013, the Atlanta Chapter of ARCS Foundation visited the Carter Presidential Center in Atlanta. The Carter Center takes action on a shared dream of a caring global community. In 1982, President and Mrs. Carter entered into a partnership, with Emory University, that is committed to advancing human rights, alleviating unnecessary suffering, and improving the quality of life for people in more than 65 countries. This partnership is working to create a world where every man, woman, and child has an opportunity to enjoy good health and to live in peace. The day’s activities included a presentation by Dr. John B. Hardman, President and CEO, and a tour of the Jimmy Carter Library & Museum led by Tony Clark, Museum Specialist. Carter Presidential Center Visit Apr 2013 | 19 images
2012 Scholar Awards Luncheon A sellout crowd packed the ballroom at the Ritz Carlton Hotel for the 2012 Scholar Awards Luncheon where the Atlanta Chapter awarded $285,000 to 40 scholars. Photos by James E. Fitts, Atlanta, GA. 2012 Scholar Awards Luncheon Nov 2012 | 19 images
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Facility Tour On October 23, 2012, 36 Chapter members and spouses participated in a behind-the-scenes VIP tour of the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics plant in Marietta, GA. The tour was arranged by Atlanta Chapter member and Lockheed Martin Director, Mary Snitch. Hamilton Holmes, Lockheed Martin Community Relations Manager, provided a very helpful company overview and the plant tour was conducted by young engineers, Britney Smith and Melissa Merritt. The ARCS group walked the entire flight line and was briefed on the production of many current aeronautical programs, including the F-16 Fighting Falcon; the airlifter C130J; the first operational stealth fighter, the F-117 Nighthawk; and the 5th Generation fighters, F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightening II. Thank you to Lockheed Martin! Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Facility Tour Oct 2012 | 1 images
Pictured is Chapter President Gracia Conn (standing on step stool) recognizing ARCS Foundation Atlanta Founding Members attending the celebration: (from left) Paula Bevington, Mary O’Connor, Trudy Huger, Michelle Nordin, Kitty Hawks, Beth Barnett, Sue Wieland and Clare Whitfield. On September 30, 2012, that Atlanta Chapter of ARCS Foundation celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Pictured is Chapter President Gracia Conn (standing on step stool) recognizing ARCS Foundation Atlanta Founding Members attending the celebration: (from left) Paula Bevington, Mary O’Connor, Trudy Huger, Michelle Nordin, Kitty Hawks, Beth Barnett, Sue Wieland and Clare Whitfield. Atlanta Celebrates 20 Years! Sep 2012 | 6 images
The view from Celestial Steakhouse on the Ohio River. April 26-28, 2012, Atlanta Chapter members and spouses took a VIP tour of Cincinnati, Ohio, the "Queen City," which was settled in 1788. Pictured is the view from Celestial Steakhouse on the Ohio River. 2012 Retreat to Cincinnati Apr 2012 | 7 images
NASA Astrounaut Nicholas Patrick NASA Astrounaut Nicholas Patrick treated his audience to an engaging presentation at the Atlanta Chapter Scholar Awards Luncheon on November 18, 2010. 2010 Scholar Awards Luncheon Nov 2010 | 6 images
Pictured are Luncheon Chair, Cathey Millichap, Speaker David Spencer, Director for the Center for Space Systems at Georgia Tech, and Atlanta Chapter President Sherry Lundeen. On November 9, 2009, the Atlanta Chapter of ARCS Foundation held its Annual Scholar Awards Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton Atlanta where it presented science awards totalling $219,000 to 35 individuals attending Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Morehouse College and the University of Georgia. Pictured are Luncheon Chair, Cathey Millichap, Speaker David Spencer, Director for the Center for Space Systems at Georgia Tech, and Atlanta Chapter President Sherry Lundeen. 2009 Scholar Awards Luncheon Nov 2009 | 3 images
Pictured above is David Boyd at the Museum of Flight. After touring the cavernous fascinating facility and boarding Air Force One and the Concord, the group was intrigued with a presentation by Seattle ARCS Foundation member, CEO of the Museum of Flight, and former astronaut, Dr. Bonnie Dunbar. Fifty ARCS Foundation Atlanta members and guests gathered in Seattle, Washington, April 23–27, 2008, for the chapter's biannual retreat whose theme was capturing the feel of Seattle by water, air, land and art. Pictured above is David Boyd at the Museum of Flight. After touring the cavernousfascinating facility and boarding Air Force One and the Concord, the group was intrigued with a presentation by Seattle ARCS Foundation member, CEO of the Museum of Flight, and former astronaut, Dr. Bonnie Dunbar. 2008 Retreat to Seattle Apr 2008 | 12 images
Georgia Tech College of Computing Visit About 45 ARCS Foundation Atlanta Chapter members had the privilege of participating in an Educational Tour at the Georgia Tech College of Computing. Guests were greeted by Dr. Richard A. DeMillo, the John P. Imlay, Jr. Dean of Computing at Georgia Tech and Mary Alice Isele, Director of Development for the College of Computing. One highlight of the visit was the opportunity view Georgia Tech's "Sting," a Porsche Cayenne instrumented with advanced computers, GPS technology, motion sensors and radars that allow it to operate autonomously!The group also toured the Borg Lab, a world leader in social and urban robots, where scientists study the behavior of social creatures such as ants and honey bees and then translate it into human enviroments, such as cities. Other highlights included a campus trolley ride past the new Christopher W. Klaus Advanced Computing Building to the Aware Home, a real home used to address the challenges facing the future of domestic technologies. The center is researching ways to improve social communication between extended family members, everyday home assistants, and memory aids. Georgia Tech College of Computing Visit Nov 2007 | 4 images