ARCS Foundation Atlanta has recently joined LinkedIn with an official chapter page. We will use this platform to share updates on ARCS Atlanta Scholars, donors, and chapter news. You can follow us on LinkedIn here.Read more
Incorporated 1992 Membership includes: 110 active members 16 associate members 2 honorary members 4 approved colleges and Universities Endowment balance as of October 15, 2024: $899,052
This year the Atlanta Chapter welcomed five outstanding new members.
After reading a little about our new members below, I know you’ll agree how lucky we are to have them join us in our work, helping fund scholars in the science, engineering and medical fields.
The Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation has approved a major grant to the ARCS Foundation Atlanta Chapter endowment. This gift will put the endowment over the critical $1 million mark. If there are no major market disruptions, the chapter will be able to take... Read more
Registration is now open for our capstone event, the 2024 ARCS Foundation Atlanta Scholar Awards Celebration! Come mix and mingle with our 53 outstanding scholars from UGA, Georgia Tech, Emory and Morehouse and enjoy a light lunch. Our event this year will be held on Wednesday, November 13 from 11:30am... Read more
Ellen Adair and Henry Wyche opened their lovely home for our Fall Party, “La Bella Notte.” Ninety members came together on a beautiful fall evening to kick off our busy year and to welcome our new members, Erin Boorn, Meredith Carpenter, Ashley Cornelison, Barbara Bing Pliner and Sallie Topfl. Here... Read more
There are many reasons to give to our ARCS Atlanta endowment fund. Some honorary, some yearly, some personal. Our member Donna Burchfield has a wonderful story she has shared with some of you, and we felt it should be shared with all of us. Donna gave to the endowment fund... Read more
On June 12th the old board and new board met to exchange files and spend time together. We continued into a regular board meeting, all held at the home of Carolynn Cooper. It was wonderful to welcome new members Eileen Higgins, Suzanne Sullivan, Niv Persaud, Jamie Deeter, Meg Heyer, and... Read more
The ARCS Retreat to our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., was an incredible, inspiring, and enjoyable trip! Each attendee gained new insights and knowledge into current security initiatives, scientific and medical research, and museums of historical prominence.
We had the privilege to hear nationally renowned speakers, obtain access to private institutions... Read more