Scholar Posters


ARCS Atlanta Scholars present their posters at the Annual Scholar Awards Celebration where donors,
members and guests enjoy meeting and engaging with the scholars to hear about their research.

Click the research title in green to see each scholar's poster.



Anna Cole
Anna Cole

Emory University
Cancer Biology

Improving Adoptive Cell Therapies for Cancer

Nasab Ghazal
Nasab Ghazal

Emory University
Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology

Unlocking the Cardioprotective Power of Mitochondrial Modulation


Will McFadden
Will McFadden

Emory University
Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology

Structural and Biochemical Effects of Capsid-targeting Molecules on HIV-1 Capsid Assembly

Vedhika Raghunathan

Emory University
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

How do Influenza A viruses evolve within and between individual hosts?

Sydney Shuff
Sydney Shuff
Nuri Smith
Nuri Smith
Courtney Victor
Anjana Dissanayaka

Georgia Tech
Biomedical Engineering

Low-cost diagnostics leveraging microfluidics

Kierra Franklin
Kierra Franklin
Emmy Hughes
Zachary Mobille
Cassandra Shriver

Georgia Tech
Quantitative Biosciences in Biological Sciences

Hang in there: How do Non-Primate Mammals Climb?

Gianna Slusher
Gianna Slusher
Theodore St. Francis
Naoki Yokoyama

Georgia Tech
Robotics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Leveraging Rapid Photorealistic Simulation for Robot Learning

Ramiah Curry
Jacob Jack
Jacob Jack

Morehouse College
Applied Physics and Computer Engineering

Making Robotics Technology Accessible for all age groups

Chavier McDaniel
Chavier McDaniel
Nicholas Pittman
Nicholas Pittman
Christina Endara-Arnold
Christina Endara-Arnold

University of Georgia

Regeneration and Stem Cell Function in Flatworms

Reagan Haney
Reagan Haney

University of Georgia
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Discovering the Mechanism of Action of a Novel Antimalarial

Jordan Parker
Jordan Parker
Neil Patel
Neil Patel
Mariah Salcedo

University of Georgia

Mathematical Modeling for Disease Forecasting

Damian Santiago-Sosa
Damián Santiago-Sosa


Aniruddha Deshpande
Ariel Gale
Logan Kavanaugh
Logan Kavanaugh
Cameron Mattingly
Cameron Mattingly

Emory University
Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis

Duration and function of lung tissue resident CD8+ memory T cells

Will McFadden
Will McFadden

Emory University
Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology

Structural and biochemical effects of capsid- targeting molecules on HIV-1 capsid assembly

Vedhika Raghunathan

Emory University
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

How do Influenza A virus antigenic variants arise initially?

Julia Tanquary
Julia Tanquary

Emory University
Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology

Endogenous activation of a bacterial toxin

Courtney Victor
Sophie Yount
Sophie Yount

Emory University
Molecular and Systems Pharmacology

Functionally defining orbitofrontal cortex memory traces

Anjana Dissanayaka
Anjana Dissanayaka
Emily Hughes
Emily Hughes
Christopher Roper

Georgia Tech
Aerospace Engineering

Using beams to save the world

Cassandra Shriver

Georgia Tech
Quantitative Biosciences in Biological Sciences

Mammalian climbing gaits and their influential criteria

Kevin Shu
Kevin Shu

Georgia Tech
Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization

Accelerated gradient descent with long steps

Naoki Yokoyama

Georgia Tech
Robotics in Electrical and Computer Engineering Second

Leveraging rapid photorealistic simulation for robot learning

Nathan Zavanelli

Georgia Tech
Bioengineering in Mechanical Engineering

Skin-like electronics and sensors for wearable healthcare

Justin Bromell

Morehouse College

Obesity and Cancer

Ayden Clark-Veal
Ramiah Curry
Ramiah Curry
Myles Gosha
Myles Gosha
Christian Moore

Morehouse College
Computer Science

Optimizing energy output for robots

Jana Carpenter
Morgane Golan
Morgane Golan

University of Georgia
Regenerative Medicine

Enhancing neural extracellular vesicle therapies

Reagan Haney
Judith Reyes Ballista
Mariah Salcedo

University of Georgia
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Utilizing deep learning to elucidate Ion channel structure and function


Ariel Gale
Nicole Hood
Nicole Hood
Logan Kavanaugh
Logan Kavanaugh
Cameron Mattingly
Cameron Mattingly

Emory University
Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis

Duration and Function of Lung Tissue Resident CD8+ Memory T Cells

Julia Tanquary
Julia Tanquary

Emory University

Endogenous activation of a bacterial toxin

Sophie Yount
Sophie Yount

Emory University
Molecular and Systems Pharmacology

Defining Functionally Distinct Neuron Ensembles within the Orbitofrontal Cortex

2022 AMC Hannah Holmes
Hannah Holmes

Georgia Tech
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Advancing materials for CO2 capture

Kantwon Rogers

Georgia Tech
Computer Science

What Happens if a Robot Lies to You?

Kevin Shu
Kevin Shu

Georgia Tech
Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization

Algebra and Optimization

ARCS Scholar Tony Wang
Tony Wang

Georgia Tech
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Microrobots for Neurosurgical Applications

Amanda Caulfield
Amanda Caulfield
Kendall Clay
Kendall Clay

University of Georgia

How do planarians regenerate their brains?

Katie Duval ARCS Foundation University of Georgia
Katherine Duval
Morgane Golan
Morgane Golan

University of Georgia
Regenerative Medicine

Optimizing extracellular vesicles

Megan Meany
Megan Meany
Judith Reyes Ballista

University of Georgia
Infectious Diseases

Apoptotic mimicry in Chikungunya virus entry